Where are we now?

Where are we now?
Where are we now? Tahmoor, NSW. Updated 7th December 2011

Wednesday, February 2, 2011

Day 3. Wagga Wagga

A lesson in family history...

After another very hot night, and very little sleep, we woke to a wet morning in Wagga Wagga. Not to be deterred, we packed some wet weather clothes, brollies, some water and headed off to Humula for a history lesson that opened my eyes.

First, it was a quick stop at the Humula cemetery where great aunt Jean gave a full run down on the relatives buried in this out of the way spot. The rabbits are running (or should that be hopping) rampart! I never realised I was related to almost everyone who just happens to be buried here from the same town! Very interesting.... Scarlett however had a great time picking wild flowers, fixing up damaged headstones and replacing flowers in their rightful places. I'm sure the locals would be very proud of her.

Next it was a drive through the Humula township, where I discovered a silhouette of me (when I served in the Navy) has been erected at the local Memorial Hall. Other silhouettes of serving family members from all the services have also been placed in the front garden of the Humula Memorial hall. I was very humbled.....

Next it was a visit to "Opossum Plains" and "Shockeroo Station". Here was the pioneering birthplace of the Cheney family in Australia. It was great to actually visit and see what remains of these original homesteads. To hear their stories from Jean, made us realise how lucky the Cheney family is to have this amazing women and family historian.

We then visited the Cheney family cemetery on Shockeroo station, and spent some time reflecting on the hardships of our pioneering families. It was a moving moment visiting 'the' last resting place of the first Cheney father and mother in Australia. The field is very neglected, and I almost lost Scarlett in the tall grass. I felt a deep connection with this land and hope to return again one day.

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