Where are we now?

Where are we now?
Where are we now? Tahmoor, NSW. Updated 7th December 2011

Tuesday, June 7, 2011

Day 128. Pardoo Station

Mustering the cattle

Today was a catch up and rest day. I would like to say we started with a sleep in, but Scarlett was up at 6:30am….not impressed. We did however have a lovely cooked BBQ breakfast of bacon and eggs outside under the awning. It had rained most of last night, but now was all clear. It was a lovely morning.

Our camp

I had to soak all our clothes we wore from Karijini in Napisan, the red dust was in everything. I also needed to wash the floors and clean the bathroom, as the caravan was well over due for a clean out. Poor Shane was keen to wash the car and van too, but with the 16km’s of dirt road back out of here, there isn’t much point. Instead he watched Jace do an oil change over at the sheds; he will be doing our next one himself too.

After Jo finished her kids schooling, I gave her a lesson on how to make my mum’s yummy zucchini slice. I have the luxury of an oven in my van, and make use of it whenever I can. Her clan devoured the whole thing for lunch, I was lucky enough to score a piece though.

Bringing in the cattle

This afternoon, the station hands were back with the cattle from today’s mustering. They were being unloaded from a road train over in the yards, so we went down to have a look. We heard them all take off in their little jeep Suzuki’s and helicopter this morning at 6:30am. This station is over 500,000 acres, so it must take forever to bring them all in.

The kids had a quiet one playing in the volleyball sand pit, and riding their bikes most of the day. Scarlett even had a small dip in the pool; it was a little cold so she wasn’t in long.

This evening there is a man playing music around the camp fire; he is really good. He has a professional set up of lights, amps and mixing equipment. It was not exactly what I was expecting for out here.

Tomorrow we will be moving on to 80 mile beach caravan park. Apparently this is the beach were you find heaps of really good shells, so the girls are all really excited. We are sorry about the internet, we will be doing a huge upload of all the posts as soon as we get signal.

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